Simple Payments: Handling Your Title Loan

  • Q. With title loans, do I get to keep my car?

    A. Yes, you only need to bring in your vehicle for a quick inspection!

  • Q. Can I make monthly payments, or does it have to be paid in full?

    A. You can absolutely make monthly payments. We discuss all of your payment options while processing your loan so you are completely informed and confident with your short-term loan decision! 

  • Q. How do I apply?

    A. Click here to download the application form. Or you can just come into the office with the required documents and fill out the application form in the office. The whole process shouldn't take more than 10-20 minutes!

  • Q. Can I pay early or late?

    Yes! If you pay your loan early you will save on your interest payment as our short-term loans are pro-rated; which means we only charge you for the time you actually need the money for.

    In regards to paying late; as long as you stay in communciation with our staff we are happy to help accomodate however the interest does increase daily but we do not have late fees.

Need more information about our loans? Call us at 208-773-1110 for more information.

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